Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Put the Lime in the Coconut.

Since I was able to make it to main campus to visit the weekly Mountain View Public Library Bookmobile, I decided to swing by Charlie's to grab a burrito for dinner later on tonight. Then, proceeded stop by Pacific Café, our Asian-themed cafeteria. I was surprised to find out that they were serving kimchi, japchae, and kabli. Yes, Korean ribs, or as I like to call it, meaty awesomeness. And on my way out, I grabbed a coconut for some fresh coconut juice.


[btw, the title and theme of the picture comes from this song. drew, I know you get it!]


Jennifer Wong said...

it's the coke you nut! :)

Unknown said...

Andrew says he gets it but doesn't condone it.

Erica said...

whoa... that lime looks like it's floating!!