Sunday, February 11, 2007

Meet Faith

This weekend, more than other weekends, was way too short. And no matter how much time I do take to take off to spend with her, it's always too short. I find myself at the airport getting ready to leave even though it feels like I just got there.

While some people may think I was crazy to fly back for two days, I don't regret one bit of it. I got to spend time with her. I got to step inside the Dean Dome once again with her. I got to see my church family. So even though I did only spend about 50 hours in Chapel Hill, it was well worth it in my book.

It's the smallest and simplest things during reunions that I enjoy the most. Watching movies together. Talking about nothing. Being goofy. And it's those things that I miss while I'm out here.

Until next time...


shoespitter said...

aww that's really sweet!

Anonymous said...

=) you guys make me tear. happy valentine's day