I headed up to Grace Cathedral today on California Street to look for a nice night shot. As I was taking various pictures of the dimly lit stained-glass windows, I faintly heard a group of voices singing. As I turned the corner, heading to the music, I noticed that I was approaching the main entrance of the cathedral. After being briefly taken aback by the beauty of the front entrance, I focused my attention back on the voices I heard only a moment ago. It was then that I noticed this group of about twenty people standing and singing in front of the church. I walked closer, intrigued at what they might be singing, when I heard that familiar tune.
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound.
That saved a wretch like me...
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see!
I walked around the group, in order not to interrupt them, and continued taking pictures of the building. As they continued to sing, I turned around and took one shot of the group, who was standing in front of the church, facing the main road and singing basically towards the city. I didn't want them to see me and create an awkward moment. When they finished singing and began sharing, I walked up and approached one of the guys, asking who they were. He responded that they were a missionary team to the city, and that this was something they wanted to do.
Even though this wasn't the best shot of the night, I liked it the best.
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