Friday, June 1, 2007

In The Air Again.

I took this shot while on my flight out to Houston this weekend. My noona Amy is getting married and so I'm flying out to join in the festivities. The crazy thing about us is that her parents have been close with ours ever since we moved to LA in '84. In fact, her parents knew my aunt (my mom's older sister) before they knew us, and they helped my parents when we first moved out to Cali. The last time I saw them was when I was seven, during the summer before we moved to Moscow, Russia. We lost touch, but as with all random connections, she found me on xanga, since one of my profile pictures was from when I was like 4.
We've been in touch ever since, and so I'm really excited about this brief family reunion. I probably shouldn't be flying in my current headache/coughing condition, but hey, anything for family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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